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In the Community

At Varntige, our commitment to Community is at the heart of everything we do. Each year, we dedicate an entire day to giving back by closing our office doors and using our team's 8-hour workday to support a local non-profit or organisation. Whether it's offering our expertise or lending a helping hand, our annual Community Day allows us to make a meaningful impact and contribute to the well-being of those around us.


Service hours donated to our Community through bookkeeping, admin, business support and website design


Team Community Day hours Donated over our 8 years of Varntige's Annual Community Day


Raised for SPCA over 4 years through selling cupcakes and running our Murder Mystery event

Lift up

Varntige Annual Community Day

We love being a part of this community and for one day every year, we close our doors, and gift our time to a local organisation or charity where we think we can help the most!

There is an application process and in March each year we start the process again where local organisations can fill out our application form and wait to hear who receives our time for the day. 

If you are a local Waikato Charity/Not for Profit or other organisation and you would like to receive notifications when applications are open please sign up below. 

Community Support NZ

Previous Community Day Winners

Varntige community day has been running since 2017!

Other ways we help

Free Community Websites

We have dedicated thousands of hours to website design services and sponsorships, offering comprehensive community support across NZ.

We have also previously partnered with Rocketspark to gift lifetime hosting fees - meaning some of these websites were 100% free to help not for profit's like Loving Arms, do what they do for our community.

Supporting organisations we believe in

SPCA New Zealand

We make a regular monthly donation to SPCA New Zealand. SPCA helps protect over 45,000 animals in New Zealand every year. Animals who are sick, injured, abused or simply abandoned.

SPCA receives almost no government funding, everything they do relies on community support and donation. Together, we help the animals that so desperately need it, and bring justice to those who have failed these innocent animals.

If you too would like to make a donation you can do so here.

St John New Zealand

We make a regular monthly donation to St John New Zealand. St John completes many different services throughout New Zealand - their best known one would be managing our ambulance service.

Again close to our heart - Chantelle has been for a few ambulance rides in her lifetime. Chantelle also donates to St John's on a personal basis and highly recommends signing your family up for a membership. It covers the cost of any ambulance rides you may need and supports St John.
We would hate to think where we would be without them.

If you too would like to make a donation you can do so here.

Te Awamutu Community Cadet Unit

We gifted a FREE website including a membership portal for TAACU as part of our Free Community Website initiative. We also partnered with Rocketspark to provide free Website hosting for TAACU.

Check them out here

Whai Basketball

We sponsored Whai Basketball with $20,000 worth of design, which included helping them build their website.

Check them out here

Loving Arms

We gifted a FREE website including a shop set up for donations for Loving Arms as part of our Free Community Website initiative. We also partnered with Rocketspark to provide free Website hosting for Loving Arms.

Check them out here

Would you like to be considered for Varntige's next Community Day?

Fill out the form below, and we’ll get in touch with details about our next Community Day

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Thanks for your submission, good luck!

"Thank you and your team so much for your support for Cadets, the website is a life changer, adding real value and setting the unit up for success. It's been a slow hard slog and although we are not in a position to do a launch party this year I wanted you to know how grateful we are."

Jeff Coad
Training Officer at TACCU


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